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Saturday, October 23, 2010

Dougie In My Snuggie

G'day folks. Before we get started on the blog, I'd like you all to take a minute and try a word association exercise with me. When I say "girl car", what's the first car that pops in your head? If it's Beetle, then good job. If it's something else, then pretend it's Beetle, because that's the whole point of my "rantecdote"(my new word for "rant" and "anecdote"...also, dibs). In the past week, I have seen 6 girls driving VW Beetles. Normal, right? Guess how many guys I've seen driving VW Beetles this week...go on guess...did you guess yet, because if you haven't then you're just wasting my time. The answer would be 6. What kind of world do we live in where there are just as many guys as girls driving Beetles? And actually, when did guys start driving Beetles, period? Doesn't seem right to me. One of them even had a dog in the backseat that looked like it should have been named FiFi. I would like to officially inform that man that his man-card has been revoked for a minimum of 2 years. He will be up for a parole hearing in 2012.
Speaking of man-cards, that makes me thing of man-cave songs(I love a good segue...dibs). Bruno Mars has a song out that completely fits this category-"The Lazy Song"(a special thanks to Nick "BillyBob" Broadway for playing this song in his car.) Major points to the Martian for the lyrics "I'll be lounging on my couch, just chilling in my Snuggie, turn to MTV so I can teach me how to Dougie". Upon hearing these lyrics, every real man should have gone straight home and Dougied in their Snuggie...I know I did. I'm officially a major Bruno Mars fan. Great song. I want to be in the music video.
While Bruno's career seems to be going well, there's a certain teen pop sensation who might have reached that point in his career where we start seeing him in the tabloids for mischief instead of music...and he hasn't even reached puberty yet! Last week, Justin Bieber was accused of assaulting someone...while playing laser tag...and the victim was 12. I'm not sure who I should judge more-Justine for hitting a 12 year old, or the 12 year old for getting beat up by a Canadian R&B star who has a thirteen-year old girls voice and his own nail polish line...oh I'm sorry, did you not hear about the nail polish line yet? You have now. The link is posted below. The line will even have colors named after his songs (eg,OMB!(bright red) and One Less Lonely Girl(lavender)). I mean, what else did you expect from somebody who's career was started by accident? Wander how that record executive feels now.
I can't believe it. JB has actually made me too weak to blog anymore. That's all I have for you today. Until next time, keep these wise words in mind... "dance crazes come and go, dance crazes in cleverly named blankets with sleeves last forever."

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