What's up, earthlings? I know I've been scarce(dibs) lately, but last week was a busy week. And this one's even busier. I'm writing this while I'm supposed to be finishing my developmental psych paper and studying for my criminal justice exam(both tomorrow), but I couldn't leave Nick in suspense of the new post any longer. This probably won't be a phenomenal one, but it's best to stay in the practice of posting. All right, we got a lot to talk about, where should we begin? Oh yeah, anecdote. I hate squirrels. If you know me, you already knew this. If you don't know me...well, you pretty much do now, because the basic concept of Sam is "I hate squirrels". Not all of them, just the ones on the Ole Miss campus. They're obnoxious, overbearing, and one time they attacked me with acorns from the safety of a tree...cowards. That being said, I have gained a temporary respect for them. Last week I saw one jogging through the Circle with three pecans in his mouth, then jump into the middle of the street and stare down a Yukon. Question: where did he get the pecans. I've never seen a pecan tree on campus before. The wonders of life.
Not my best one, I know, just had to say it. Maybe this will make up for it; over the course of Halloween weekend, I saw 4 Waldos, 2 Ash Ketchums, Tiger Woods and his wife (complete with golf club), a red telly tubby, Captain Planet, and Beetle Juice. Also, I was attacked on my way to class on Thursday by a ten-year-old ninja and an 11-year-old SWAT member. Best Halloween week ever.
Well, not really. Ole Miss lost. I ain't even mad, yo...actually, I'm lying, I'm actually quite miffed(dibs). It's not like I expected us to blow the number one team out of the water, but I was also hoping we'd live higher than the standards set for us by every other team. It's games like this one that make me rejoice for not having purchased season tickets. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not gonna be one of those people that rags on his own team. However, I'm also not going to be one of those people that won't admit when some changes need to be made. One of those changes is getting Masoli to throw the ball. Now I know, it's crazy to think about a quarterback throwing the ball, but hey it's also crazy to change your mascot to Winnie the Pooh; what can I say, we're risk takers down here.
Keeping up with my random switch in between topics, last week it was announced that production on Sony Walkmans would be stopped. This marks the end of an era. If you have one of these sitting around somewhere, get it in working order. It'll be worth money some day.
Young Jeezy announced a new release date for "Thug Motivation 103", saying it will come out on December 14th. It's gonna be a cold winter. But then again, it was also supposed to be a cold summer. And a cold autumn. I'll believe it when I've got the CD in my hands. Come on, Snowman. Also, it looks like "King Uncaged" will be put on hold because...well because the King got caged again. T.I. was busted last month on marijuana charges, leading to his parole being revoked. As far as I know, he surrendered himself today to start an 11 month sentence. I don't want to say he deserved it because I'm fan, but if you can't utilize(dibs) the second chances offered to you, you don't deserve them. Also, the name of the album has been changed to "No Mercy". Fitting, since the judge showed no mercy. The new sentencing came not long after T.I. talked a suicidal man off of a 22 story roof, an act some people are calling a "publicity stunt" to get some good favor. I hope that's not true. The new album release date is said to be December 7th. Back to back releases from the biggest names in Atlanta...hope the Rubber Band Man and Snowman can come through for us.
All right, I'm tired of typing, so that's all I have. Until next time, you won't hear from me.
P.S.: If you're wandering about the title of this blog, I watched Casper last night. That was the funniest line. Deal with it.